First-Hop Gateway Configuration Templates¶
This document describes First-Hop Gateway configuration module implementation details.
Configuration Template Boilerplate¶
If your device supports device-wide shared (anycast) MAC addresses, use node gateway.anycast.mac parameter to set the shared virtual router MAC address.
{% if gateway.anycast.mac is defined %}
ip virtual-router mac-address {{ gateway.anycast.mac }}
{% endif %}
Iterate over interfaces and select only those that have gateway.protocol set
Based on the value of gateway.protocol configure the desired FHRP protocol. You might want to use included files for clarity.
{% for intf in interfaces if intf.gateway.protocol is defined %}
interface {{ intf.ifname }}
{% if intf.gateway.protocol == 'anycast' %}
### anycast configuration
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
Configuring Anycast Gateways¶
When configuring anycast gateway on an interface, use the following interface parameters:
gateway.protocol must be set to anycast.
gateway.ipv4 must be set to a valid IPv4 address (string)
gateway.anycast.mac could be set to a link-specific shared MAC address. Ignore this parameter if your platform cannot support link-specific virtual router MAC addresses.
{% for intf in interfaces if intf.gateway.protocol is defined %}
interface {{ intf.ifname }}
{% if intf.gateway.protocol == 'anycast' %}
ip virtual-router address {{ intf.gateway.ipv4 }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}